Train YOUR way with full support.

What else?
No sales-tactics policy
If Geekfit isn't the perfect fit when you visit, we'll never push you. Our amazing members chose us because they believe in us.
Holistic and Scientific Approach
Geekfit fitness educators are experts with a passion for the science of health. No uneducated trends, no generic crap.
Safe Space Facility
GeekFit 24/7 is a nuerodivergent and LGBTQIA+ friendly gym, and we actively enforce our safe space policies. No jerks here.
Made by gym people, for gym people
We didn't start Geekfit for profits or portfolio - we're just two local gym-lovers who wanted to build our dream gym.
Get on the

Got questions?
Leave us a message below.

2/88 Sumners Rd, Sumner, QLD, 4074
(07) 3195 4279
Staffed hours for members:
Staffed for classes and appointments only, during the following hours -
Mon -Thurs: 6am - 2pm
5pm - 7pm
Fri: 6am - 10am
Sat: 7:30am - 1pm
Non-members by appointment only
If you would like a facility tour, please contact and we can organise a suitable appointment time.